Please read the following documents when you are considering taking part in a club trip or leading a club trip.
All calendared club trips must have a leader whose experience and skills have been approved by the club committee and there must be a qualified first aider on the trip.
The following documents can be read by clicking on the links at the bottom.
Trip gradings/leader description
This describes the nature of grade A, B, C and D paddles, the sort of skills and equipment you will need and the skills and experience of the leader of the trip.
Generic risk assessment and location specific risk assessments (Mar 2022) and Hounsdown pool risk assessment
Covers the club's safety precautions to ensure safer paddling both on the sea and at pool sessions.
leader experience record
If you are intending to lead a trip, please complete a leader experience record and talk it through with one of the committee members so we have a good idea of your skills and experience. The committee will make a decision with you about the right kind of trip to lead based on your skills and experience.
Participant checklist
Read this before taking part in any NFKCC club trips.
Leader checklist
Read this before leading any NFKCC club trips. Please refer to the generic risk assessment as well.
Sea kayak journey planner (Steve Godfrey)
A really valuable trip planning tool that will help you record essential details about tides and wind for your trip - it also contains important contact details and ready reckoners for the effect of wind and tide on paddle speed.