
Events Calendar

Title Link Start Date .. Category Description Contact
Leader's Choice' Saturday 27 July 2024 Sea Kayak Trip - Grade C Richard Davison
Placeholder for an appropriate trip.

Richard Davison
Bucklers Hard Wednesday 31 July 2024 Wednesday Evenings Grade A

Details will be on the Forum

Dave Owen
Round Hayling Sunday 04 August 2024 Sea Kayak Trip - Grade B Barrie Howe/Dave Owen
Take advantage of a mid-day HW to complete the circumnavigation of Hayling Island.

Barrie Howe
Bucklers towards Lepe Wednesday 07 August 2024 Wednesday Evenings Grade A Details will be on the Forum

Jurassic Rock-hopping Saturday 10 August 2024 Sea Kayak Trip - Grade C Cheryl Williams/Paul Levett
Another opportunity to paddle the Jurassic Coast with Paul and Cheryl. Helmets essential!

Cheryl Williams
Eling to Hythe Wednesday 14 August 2024 Wednesday Evenings Grade A Details will be on the Forum

Charlie BL
Lepe-Cowes-Lepe Saturday 17 August 2024 Sea Kayak Trip - Grade C Annie Hallam
ABBA voyage (Annie's Bacon Butty Adventure). A variation on Annie's earlier ABBA TOUR.

Annie Hallam
Bucklers towards Lepe Wednesday 21 August 2024 Wednesday Evenings Grade A Details will be on the Forum

Dave Owen
Lepe - Chapman's Pool campover return (Chalk to Chalk) Saturday 24 August 2024 Sea Kayak Trip - Grade D Justin Davis
If anyone fancies it - take in the Solent, the Needles, Old Harry, Dancing Ledge, St Alban's head all in one afternoon. Then again in reverse the following morning?

Justin Davis
Bucklers to Beaulieu Wednesday 28 August 2024 Wednesday Evenings Grade A Details will be on the Forum

Richard S